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Thanksgiving and Christmas

Posted by on Nov 23, 2013 in Updates | Comments Off on Thanksgiving and Christmas

I wanted to let you know what I plan to do with the First of All Pray blog for the next several weeks. By God’s grace, we will complete the study on the book of James later on, but first I desire to spend some time next week focusing on the topic of thanksgiving. Only three entries will arrive next week; Thursday-Sunday I will be taking off to enjoy the holiday.

In December when I return to the blog, my plan is to write entries related to Christmas—five days, not six days each week—during the month.

Like many of you, I love the Christmas season; the atmosphere is filled with joy and expectation, warmth and well-wishes. Even more hardened souls open a bit during the holiday, and I believe a childlike vulnerability buried deep beneath coarse and rough exteriors peeks out in wonder at the lights, the snow, the carolers…and that nativity scene proclaiming the virgin birth of Christ. This is why Christmas has been so viciously attacked—it speaks with the profound innocence of childhood and hope, effectively arresting the emotions of those who don’t want to believe. In assailing Christmas, such souls hope to escape its message—one presented not only in song and words, but in life-changing power as well.

May you be blessed with joy, peace, grace, and abiding faith, hope, and love in the upcoming season!


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A letter from Trappist nuns from Azeir, Syria, August 29, 2013

Posted by on Sep 8, 2013 in Prayer Perspective, Updates | Comments Off on A letter from Trappist nuns from Azeir, Syria, August 29, 2013


Please forgive me if you do not think that religion and politics should be mentioned in the same breath. But many Christians in Egypt are in dire straights, and many others called by His name have been affected by the escalating warfare in Syria. Their perspective is important. The link below will send you to a letter written by Trappist nuns who are in the middle of the violence.  (taken from Atlasshrugs website, 9-7-13)

Pray for wisdom and conviction to do what is right for both our leaders and other international leaders who have a say in the whole scenario; pray, also, for the Lord to cover all those called by His name with His precious blood and to protect them with majestic signs and wonders.

Pray for us that we don’t allow our comforts to lull us into prayerlessness; pray that we will no longer find contentment in being unaware of what our brethren are dealing with across the globe. Indeed, the nuns themselves closed their letter with these words:

To those who truly have a heart for Syria (for mankind, for truth…) we ask for prayer…abounding, heartfelt, courageous prayer.

There’s no way I could have said it any better.


Here’s another perspective, an Israeli one. I think I’ll be spending the day on Wednesday, September 11, in prayer. If you can, pray throughout the day, also.

The link is from an email sent out in the early hours of 9-8-13 by USPRN and includes a letter from an Israeli.

We are called to pray, even (and especially!) for dire situations such as this in which we can’t determine direction with our natural mind.  But we have a God in Heaven who hears us and who will intervene and show Himself strong if we will but ask! PRAY!


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Update in today’s news: Churches burned all over Egypt

Posted by on Aug 16, 2013 in Updates | Comments Off on Update in today’s news: Churches burned all over Egypt

Since August 14, just two days ago,  over 5o churches have been looted, ransacked, and/or burned, reportedly by US backed, pro-Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood mobs. Watching CBS evening news tonight, I saw nothing on this aspect of the over-arching violence. I called the White House comment line to let them know I am alarmed by this slaughter of Christians and that I wanted President Obama to do two things:

1. Denounce this brutal, hateful slaughter of Christians

2. Remove all financial backing to the Muslim Brotherhood and all other political entities involved in this civil war.

I am posting a CNN article on this intense attack against Christians—including Catholics, Coptics, Baptists, Evangelicals, Greek Orthodox, and Adventists. Homes, businesses, and non-profit offices were also targeted. An Adventist couple have been kidnapped. More than a few convents housing nuns have been burned to the ground. Our brothers and sisters in Christ desperately need our prayers.

CNN report:

List of churches attacked:

These attacks are all across Egypt, and therefore have been highly coordinated. We have authority over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the devil (see Luke 10:19). It is time for us to exert that authority on behalf of these precious saints.


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No blog this week

Posted by on Aug 5, 2013 in Updates | Comments Off on No blog this week

Hi Everyone,

I will be taking a week off from the daily blog (which is not the same as the daily grind!) to refresh, seek God, study, and get some things done around here!

Whoever you are, I want you to know that I have thoroughly enjoyed my maiden voyage into blogdom, and it is my intention and desire to return, by the grace of God, with a fresh entry on Monday, August 12.

Until then,


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

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Pray for Syrian Christians

Posted by on Jul 1, 2013 in Updates | Comments Off on Pray for Syrian Christians

I just received a post about the beheading of a Syrian Catholic priest by the rebels in Syria. Pray for these precious Catholics and other believers as they face the unthinkable.

“God is to us a God of deliverances. To God the Lord belong escapes from death” (Psalm 68:20). Father, we pray for protection for the Christians of Syria. Grant them signs and wonders and miraculous escapes from death. May their enemies see Your hand on the behalf of Your people and be thwarted. As it is written, Lord, “…By their own devices let them fall!”*  Watch over those called by Your name, Father, throughout the earth and not only defend them, but also thoroughly route and terrify those who would seek to assault them. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

*See Psalm 5:10

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